The night before….

Tonight, on the cusp of my 40th birthday many thoughts swim through my mind.

To the young girl I was….. I’m so sorry for the loss of your innocence. For the shattering of visions of love and forever and happiness ever after.

To the woman standing here now I share with you the empowerments that I give others on a daily basis but often forget to share with you: you are strong; you are beautiful; you are capable; you are worthy. This next chapter of your life will astound you because you didn’t give up or give in. You are a fighter and an amazing example to your daughters. You’ve continued to maintain a belief that good exists in this world and continue to maintain hope of finding your peace and happiness. And it is coming.

For the woman who stands down my road I pray that you will send me guidance and continued strength and help

Me to navigate this unknown path in a way that ensures that my happiness and peace are realized. Please continue to pepper my path with amazing people and experiences that reinforce my journey and allow me to develop into the best version of me.

To all who’ve provided influence up until this point, those who continue to influence, and those yet to come I remain eternally grateful. My eyes, ears, mind, and heart are open to your guidance.

Without question, this part of my life is positioned to be better than I ever imagined and I’m glad to have you all on this journey.

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