Valentine’s Day

Right?! Because let’s be basic, and unoriginal, and blog about the most obvious thing.  Now, I’m going to be honest.  I’ve dabbled into the online dating pool.  But I’m not the type of personality that translates well into 300 word descriptions, or prefilled questionnaires.  I’m unique and a little quirky; sometimes snarky, almost always sarcastic, and doubting.  I’m also not the traditional beauty that makes someone stop and take a closer look.  So, if I was really looking for love right now I think I’d be pretty discouraged.

I’m ok with all of that. I have been spending the past year (or 18 months if we’re going to be real) getting to know me.  Who I am as an almost 40 year old woman, instead of the 19 year old girl I was the last time I was single.  I’ve been actively dating me for a few months now.  I go to the movies all the time (thank you MoviePass!), I will go out to dinner, I take care to do my hair and take care of my skin so that I am (almost) always presenting the best version of me in my life.  And, as much as I’m taking care of the outside, I am healing my head, healing my heart, and changing that internal voice and messaging that for so long said “You are NOT enough – smart enough, thin enough, strong enough, etc.” to realizing that I have always been strong, smart, and beautiful.

I am kind. I am loving and giving to a fault.  I am willing to accept responsibility for my choices and I can say I’m sorry when I’m wrong.  I am worthy of love.  I am worthy of a partner.  And I am worth waiting for that right person who fits into my life.

I believe in romance. I believe that life can sometimes resemble a rom com and I will find my version of Prince Charming in my corner when the time is right.  But today, today is about celebrating the love in my life and planning a lovely dinner with my children, and wishing those around me well in their love lives – with their partners, parents, children, pets, and hopefully with themselves!


Remember these words when you feel lonely, and unwanted. And be kind to yourself.  Comment below if you need reassurance.  Let’s support each other, and be strong together, on Valentine’s Day and every day!